Lightroom is a photo and video editing app for IOS, android, PC devices. in this page i am sharing a very quick steps on how to edit photos and videos in light room application, take your android phone and install adobe lightroom apk or app, you can get unlocked version also. your interest can give extra power to get more information and creative thoughts, so be that kind.

try how to edit photos in app, best way.

Lightroom Editing App & How to Edit photos & videos

you are gong to see what kind of option available in light room application to edit your videos or photos.  You must aware of few options which are really necessary to your videos.

Open lightroom app, click on images plus button and upload video from your storage. choose video in case if you  are willing edit a video.

Trim:-  very important feature to trim unwanted scripts. you can use wisely to get only useful information.

Presets:- Next option, you will see many effects to apply on your will give artificial effect.

LIGHT colors:- This is main part in light room app,

lightrrom ediitng app

Light :- exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, increase or decrease depending on your view.

Color:- HUE, saturatio, Luminanace, color mix.

effects:- few effects only enabled for video, vintage, midpoint, feather,grain, etc.

Profile:- this is also very important one.

Like this you can use lightroom simply.

Colour Grading Guide:-

Very quick clightroom colour grading tips determined here, so you can apply while you editing in your mobile. you can follow all our new experiments simply from

Quick steps:- First select and import editing videos to light room, to get only video, just disable images, raw option in the settings which located in upper right corner.

Today i am using only two major options to do colour grading in simply way, which are color, profiles, let look how could we done.

click on editing video next select color option, next go to mix, now you will get hue, saturation, luminance option. the most favorable setting in light rooms is we can do individual color grading,while change selected colour grading remain color doesn’t take any change, remains same.

colr grading in lightroom + app

If you change HUE you will observe various colour totally,

saturation:-Color intense increase or decrease.

Luminace:- to do brightness effect controller.

based on above options we can control color grading for each colour separately. Check our video guide then you can understand more better.

Download the app.

Download lightroom apk for android unlocked version. click here. Password subplz.

do signup and continue login, you  get full access. Don’t attempt logout.

Medifire lightroom unlocked version Check here. password: 2001

In profile setting you observe various default colour grading select any one then start controlling required on your thought. Increase intensity. I have used artist 03. like this you can do color grading to your videos in light room application very easily.

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